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Homemaker's Template

Manage your home & Life with the

A Notion Template to organize your home, family, faith, tasks, and life! This is inspired by the Proverbs 31 Woman and all her hard work in many areas. It's a template that you can make your own and add or remove sections as needed. View the Product Details for more info.


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a letter from the heart

Dear Homemaker,

I see you. I see the long days, the endless to-do lists, and the weight of trying to manage it all. I also see your heart—the love you pour into your family and your desire to create a home that feels like a haven.  

But here’s the truth: you don’t have to do this alone, and it doesn’t have to feel so overwhelming. Homemaking isn’t just a list of chores; it’s a ministry, a calling, and an opportunity to shape the lives and hearts of your family. And just like any other calling, it comes with its own set of tools and strategies to help you thrive.  

This journey is about more than just cleaning, cooking, or organizing. It’s about stepping into your God-given role with purpose and joy. It’s about reclaiming your home as a place of peace, love, and efficiency—not perfection, but intention.  

I created the Homemaker's Template because I’ve been where you are—overwhelmed, stretched thin, and desperate for a way to make it all work. This system transformed my life, helping me bring order to the chaos and allowing me to fully embrace the beauty of homemaking. And now, I’m passing it on to you.  

Let this be your moment. Your moment to say, “I’m taking my home back.” To build systems that work for your family. To create a rhythm that brings peace to your days. To step into this role with confidence, grace, and excitement.  

You are capable. You are called. And you are not alone.  

Let’s do this together.  

With love,  
Lorina Daiana

Here's The Truth

The Proverbs 31 Woman is an Idea

This is a only dashboard to get you started on organizing your life. Every woman has different categories so I wanted to offer a blank slate one to start with. In the near future, I'll be developing a version 2 of this which will include sub folders such as a cleaning routine, homeschool notes, financial plans and etc. Since there are SO many ways to do this, I want to make sure I also offer this blank slate at a cheaper price. 

This template includes:

Family Calendar with birthday tracker

Daily, Weekly, monthly, cleaning routines

Short term & Long Term shopping lists

Bible Study & prayer templates ($15 value)

kitchen inventory, recipes, & storage

MAnage your business

Hobby & Project tracker

& more!

Goals of This Product

strengthen your Faith

lift a burden

Inspire you

It can be hard to make time to study the bible when you have so much on your plate. Our template lets you continue where you left off with your studies so even if you have only 5 minutes a day, you can make progress.

It can be so daunting to tackle a big project but every time you break it down into small pieces it becomes easier. We hope this template helps you unload your brain and so you can tackle one little thing at a time.

Personally, I made a section under Home Management that allows me to research my dream home and all the products in it. You can also track DIY projects or things you want to learn. Hope it inspires you too!

A Notion Template to organize your home, family, faith, tasks, and life! This is inspired by the Proverbs 31 Woman and all her hard work in many areas. It's a template that you can make your own and add or remove sections as needed. View the Product Details for more info.


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Homemaker's Template

Manage your home & Life with the